
HR for Consumer Goods Companies

Learn how to create a modern and seamless recruiting experience for your adaptable workforce with SAP SuccessFactors.

What is unique about HR in the consumer goods industry?

The short answer is the need for an adaptable workforce. Digitalization has empowered customers, increased the pace of change, and opened up new business models for consumer goods companies. With more data than ever before—summarizing which customers are buying what products using which channels you can offer customers personalized interactions and deliver the right product, service, or outcome to a market of one.

At the same time, consumer preferences and demands are more volatile than ever, often changing with the drop of a tweet, disrupting carefully built strategies. Consumer products companies must consistently analyze past customer behavior, predict future behavior, and monitor present behavior to anticipate changing demand. Success depends on creating an agile work environment that allows you to respond quickly and thoughtfully to these changes.

Invest in Your Workers

Your company’s agility depends on workforce ability. After all, it’s people that deliver business results. How adaptable is your workforce? Can you reskill and up-skill existing workers? Can you attract and retain new workers with the right skills in hard-to-fill roles? Are you able to holistically manage your entire worker base–including full-time, part-time, and contingent workers? Can you understand the impact of change on your workforce? Do you have insight into the attitudes and emotions of your total talent pool?

Leading consumer products companies are investing in their workers. These companies want to leverage new technologies to create a seamless and modern recruiting experience, providing workers with meaningful onboarding and continuous learning. They also need to provide a complete view of the workforce and the impact it has on business goals. They are monitoring and shaping the employee experience to create a culture of innovation and adaptability. SAP SuccessFactors solutions provide the platform, people, and expertise intelligent enterprises need to support the modern and fast-changing consumer products workforce.

Great Employee Experience Leads to Great Customer Experience

Unlike employee engagement, which is an outcome, employee experience (EX) is a complete, 360-degree view of a person’s life at work. Basically, good EX leads to engagement and a bad EX leads to disengagement.
The bottom-up EX solutions from Qualtrics gather employee experience data throughout the entire employee lifecycle, surface predictive and personal insights based on employee feedback, and empower HR leaders and managers to act on those insights quickly – all designed to improve the employee experience. Qualtrics HR-related modules are integrated with SAP SuccessFactors and empower HR leaders and practitioners to improve employee experiences.

If this sounds familiar to customer experience (CX), it’s because it should. In recent years, CX has been prioritized in every corner of our business, from how we build our products to how we market to end-users to how we measure our success. As Dr. Tracy Maylett, co-author of The Employee Experience, states, “The customer experience is a direct result of the engagement and the behaviors of your employees.” Source: Forbes.

Drive Growth With an Agile Work Culture

Contact us  if you need guidance on how to get the most out of your SuccessFactors solution.

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About the author

Marit Strømmen is the Head of Marketing at Effective People.

With more than 20 years of experience in the commercial area, she has worked with content, communication, business partnerships, and new business development in various industries. She has been with Effective People since 2018, overseeing all branding and marketing efforts. Marit writes about cloud-based HXM and HCM.

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Reach out to our expert team to find out how to achieve an agile and adaptable workforce with SAP SuccessFactors.

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